Monday, July 21, 2008

Arushi case

After an anormous brouhaha over the murders and murderers...the young girls' life...the role of the servant there is silence on who the real killers are. CBI has said that the three servants did it, but nevertheless have not confirmed it. The father is out, but who did it and why was he blamed?? Will the CBI finally confirm who the killers r???? Or will they let it hang? Where are the weapons? Where are the mobiles? What was the role of Hemraj? Why was the father arrested in the first place? Why was there an allegation of an affair which led to the killing? Why did the police cook up stories or why did they just made a statement based on what a servant told them, without verifying the facts? How could they be so callous? And, why has the police officer who mishandled the case been promoted?

Why did the media do, what they did?
Can we expect no justice when there is a problem? And, now the CM who used a case like this to make a statement / hold a press conference (she does not have better things to do, I guess), is touted to be the PM?????!!!!!!!!!

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