Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Social networks ..... R the people for real??

Are the profiles / people on social networking sites for real?? Even the sites carry a warning to 'accept friends' from those people whom u know or are friends of friends. It is so difficult to gauge the genuineness of any person on the net. How do u know that the person whom u r talking about the issues of the world is a real person, is a man when he claims to be one and not a woman hiding her identity? Or vice versa.
How do u judge?
And, what about the many friendship offers one keeps on getting? How safe is it to upload photographs?
And, is it not boring to to be talking to people on net, without seeing them? And, then to able to only post scraps, write messages....can u have a full conversation?
Orkut, Facebook, Yaari.com, linkedin, Flickr, batchmates.com, tagged.com, WAYN....... The list is endless. ..

I keep on getting invites to join one or another almost 2-3 times a month from some friend or the other. I have joined some to check what they are, but I muct confess, I have not been a regular and have failed to update my posts and profiles.

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